We offer new installs for new homes. We work with your Builder, Plumber and Geotech Engineer to customise your wastewater system to best suit your property.
Our concrete and polymer wastewater treatment systems are six-stage Advanced Secondary Wastewater treatment system that exceed the national standards and are certified in all Australian states and territories.
We offer our concrete Secondary Wastewater Treatment Systems that are suited to 90% of all domestic installations.
Our Polymer Tanks are designed to accommodate site conditions where it is not possible to crane in a concrete treatment system. Our unique polymer mould cleverly uses ‘Sandwich closed-cell foam polymer’ to mould the compartment walls in one piece. There are no joins or glued-in compartments and all partitions extend to the lid of the tank so you can enjoy the same peace of mind as if you had a concrete system.

Irrigation Options

Sub Surface Irrigation

Wick Trenching

ETA Options

Wisconsin Mound System